The documentary "Vaklush," directed by Nikolay Vassilev, has been awarded the Golden Firefly at the Cannes World Film Festival - Remember the Future in the Social Justice category. The film, which was shot over a span of 24 years from 1998 to 2022, features exclusive archival footage of the life of spiritual master Vaklush Tolev. The evocative soundtrack for the documentary is composed by Theodosii Spassov, a renowned Bulgarian kaval player.
According to Nikolay Vassilev, as reported by BTA, the "Remember the Future" festival aims to discover and provide global visibility to a new generation of talented filmmakers.
"Vaklush" has been featured in the official selections of 24 documentary film festivals, winning a total of 10 awards. These accolades include four from India, as well as honors from the United States, Switzerland, and France. Notably, the Switzerland Film Fest & Screenplay Competition awarded it the Best Screenplay prize, further cementing its reputation for exceptional storytelling.
The documentary's success highlights the powerful impact of Vaklush Tolev's teachings and the importance of social justice, resonating deeply with audiences and critics around the world.
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