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Unifrance at Miptv with 44 member companies

The global market dedicated to audiovisual content, MIPTV, celebrated its 60th anniversary and returned to the Palais des Festivals in Cannes from April 17-19, 2023. This edition of the market welcomed more than 180 stands and 530 exhibitors from over one hundred different countries. This year, MIPTV expanded to several branches of the industry, represented through MIPDOC, MIPFORMATS, MIPDRAMA, and the Future of Kids TV Summit. Unifrance, an association responsible for promoting French cinema worldwide, deployed its presence on a new stand located at the Palais des Festivals (P-1.M4), where it hosted 44 member companies. A cocktail party was organized on Tuesday, April 18th, at 6 pm to celebrate French audiovisual creation and facilitate professional networking opportunities.

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On Tuesday, April 18th, from 12:30 to 1 pm, Unifrance presented a panel on the growing trend of documentary series in French production. This trend is increasingly strong in France, where documentary filmmakers excel in creating successful documentary series. The association invited three of its documentary members to discuss this trend in a discussion led by Sarah Hemar, Director of Audiovisual at Unifrance. Isabelle Graziadey (Executive Director International Copro, Sales & Acquisitions - Terranoa), Myriam Weil (Head of Documentaries - Federation Studios), and Alix Lebrat (Chief Operating Officer TV Series - STUDIOCANAL) participated in the panel. France has always demonstrated its ability to create narratives of great creativity and diversity. This expertise was highlighted this year through the Year of the Documentary, a program that was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture. A Screening Room, accessible now, also allowed buyers from around the world to discover online nearly 140 French audiovisual programs of all genres. MIPTV was a major event for the French audiovisual industry, highlighting its dynamism and creativity.

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