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Safeguarding the Industry: Tackling Counterfeiting and Intellectual Property Theft

In a bid to address critical issues plaguing the global duty-free and tax-free industry, an imperative workshop was scheduled for Wednesday, the 4th of October 2023, taking place from 08:00 to 09:00 at Salon Croisette, Hotel Majestic. This workshop delved into the challenges posed by illicit trade, counterfeiting, and the theft of intellectual property, which collectively inflicted significant societal harm and imposed substantial financial losses on the industry annually.

It was noteworthy that these criminal activities not only harmed legitimate businesses but also had a far-reaching impact on the duty-free and travel retail sector. This sector boasted one of the world's most meticulously controlled and transparent supply chains. However, it too became a victim when counterfeit goods were deceptively labeled as "duty-free," contributing to a widespread issue affecting many of the products it offered.

During this workshop, attendees gained insight into the Duty For Trusted, Transparent, Secure campaign's objectives. This campaign had garnered support from a multitude of prominent retailers and brands. Delegates attending the event in Cannes were encouraged to contribute their support to this essential cause.

The workshop featured an esteemed panel of speakers, including Sarah Branquinho, President of the Duty Free World Council; Nuno Amaral, Chief Operations and Business Development Officer at Aer Rianto International; Thabet Musleh, Senior Vice President at Qatar Duty Free; Lucio Rossetto, Chief Business Officer at Lagardère Travel Retail; and Michael Schmidt, Senior Vice President - Retail at Dubai Duty Free. These industry leaders provided valuable insights and perspectives on combating counterfeiting and protecting intellectual property in the duty-free and tax-free sector.

Article By: Gino Giraud