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The Singapore Pavilion’s Intellectual Property Insights at Mipcom’s ‘Singapore Hour

Mipcom, one of the most significant events in the media and entertainment industry, is where creative minds and entrepreneurs from around the world gather to discuss the latest trends, establish connections, and explore new opportunities. At the heart of this event, the "Singapore Hour" at the Singapore Pavilion was one of the highlights of this edition. A knowledge-sharing session captured the attention of many attendees: "Content Business - Why is Owning Your IP Important."

The speakers for this session, Jean Yeo, Creative Producer at Ochr Pictures, and Joe Evans, Executive Producer at InfoCus Asia, provided valuable insights into the importance of intellectual property (IP) in the content industry, a subject that is of growing significance in an ever-evolving world.

Intellectual Property: A Key Asset in the Content Industry

The media and entertainment industry is constantly evolving, and intellectual property has become one of the most valuable assets for content creators. Intellectual property encompasses not only copyrights, trademarks, and patents but also creative ideas and original concepts.

Jean Yeo, Creative Producer at Ochr Pictures, emphasized the importance of intellectual property by stating, In an increasingly competitive media landscape, owning your IP means having full control over your content. This allows you to make strategic decisions regarding its use, distribution, and monetization.

From Creation to Distribution: Maximizing the Value of Your Content

Joe Evans, Executive Producer at InfoCus Asia, shared his perspective on maximizing the value of intellectual property. He explained, Holding your IP gives you the opportunity to diversify your income by exploring various platforms and markets. You can consider adaptations, licenses, and partnerships that go beyond traditional distribution.

Challenges and Opportunities

The discussion also addressed the challenges that come with intellectual property, such as protection against counterfeiting and rights management. However, Jean Yeo highlighted that these challenges are balanced by growth and development opportunities offered by owning your IP.

In conclusion, the "Content Business - Why is Owning Your IP Important" session at Singapore Hour during Mipcom highlighted the significance of intellectual property in the content industry. Owning your IP can open doors to new possibilities for growth, diversification, and control. As the industry continues to evolve, intellectual property remains a crucial asset for content creators, offering them the opportunity to shape their own future in the world of media and entertainment.

