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H.E. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said Extends Heartfelt Congratulations to Omani Youth on Their Annual Day

H.E. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said Extends Heartfelt Congratulations to Omani Youth on Their Annual Day

Muscat, October 26, 2023 - His Excellency Mr. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said, the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Youth, expressed his warm congratulations to the Omani youth on their annual day, celebrated every year on the 26th of October. He emphasized the crucial role of young people in nation-building, as they are the intellect and the driving force towards progress, prosperity, and empowerment, making their welfare a top priority.

In a statement, H.E. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said recognized the exceptional significance of Omani youth and their contributions to the nation. He highlighted their ability to shape the future and lead the country to new heights.

H.E. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said commented, "Omani youth are the foundation upon which our nation's success is built. Their passion, creativity, and dedication are the driving forces behind our progress. It is imperative that we empower them and provide them with the necessary tools and opportunities to excel in various fields."

He further stressed that the Omani government is committed to nurturing the talents and capabilities of the youth, providing them with the support they need to contribute effectively to the country's development.

"The youth of Oman are not just the future; they are the present, and their potential knows no bounds. As we celebrate this special day, let us remember to continue investing in our youth, guiding them towards a brighter future, and ensuring that they have the resources and guidance to succeed," H.E. Thieyzan bin Haitham Al Said concluded.

Oman National Youth Day is a day of celebration and recognition of the nation's young people, and it serves as a reminder of their essential role in shaping the nation's destiny. The government's commitment to the youth's development and their active involvement in various sectors is a testament to the importance of their contributions to the country's growth and prosperity.

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