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Finance and National Economy Minister Meets Eighth Cohort of Prime Minister’s Fellowship Program

Finance and National Economy Minister Meets Eighth Cohort of Prime Minister's Fellowship Program

Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Finance and National Economy Minister, convened with the eighth group of participants in the Prime Minister's Fellowship Program.

The minister underscored that Bahrain's future hinges on its homegrown talents, emphasizing the significance of investing in its people as the true wealth, in order to attain greater accomplishments.

Shaikh Salman articulated that investing in Bahraini youth will facilitate the realization of the comprehensive development objectives under the guidance of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the endorsement of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

He mentioned that the Prime Minister's Fellowship Program plays a pivotal role in honing the skills of its members, enabling them to craft and implement government policies and initiatives, ultimately leading to heightened efficiency and success in government operations.

Furthermore, Shaikh Salman commended the efforts of the eighth cohort of the Prime Minister's Fellowship Program, commending their strong sense of duty and commitment to their work.

In response, the eighth cohort expressed their gratitude to the minister for his support, underscoring the importance of giving more to attain their desired aspirations and goals.

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