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Information Minister Praises Robust Bahrain-France Relations

Information Minister Praises Robust Bahrain-France Relations

Dr. Ramzan bin Abdulla Al Noaimi, the Minister of Information, welcomed Eric Giraud-Telme, the French Ambassador to Bahrain, during a meeting today.

The minister commended the strong and fruitful collaborative ties between Bahrain and France, which underscore the historical depth of their enduring friendship and their shared commitment to furthering their mutual interests. He extended his best wishes to the ambassador for a successful tenure in fulfilling his diplomatic responsibilities.

The two parties engaged in discussions concerning potential areas of cooperation in the realm of media.

In response, the French Ambassador conveyed his gratitude and appreciation to the Information Minister for the audience, reaffirming his nation's dedication to enhancing collaboration with the kingdom and building upon the current level of understanding and coordination to realize shared aspirations.

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