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Haevolution Charity Foundation Grants Generous Scholarships to 11 Saudi Researchers in Aging Sciences

Haevolution Charity Foundation Grants Generous Scholarships to 11 Saudi Researchers in Aging Sciences

The Haevolution Charity Foundation has announced a generous program aimed at providing financial support to Saudi researchers specializing in aging sciences. A total of 11 outstanding researchers have been selected to benefit from this promising program. This program is the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and aims to support research and studies in the field of aging.

Each researcher will receive a grant of 10 million Saudi Riyals, with the financial support lasting for two years. This presents an excellent opportunity for researchers to develop their research and contribute to a better understanding of the aging process and how to mitigate its impact on health and quality of life.

The Haevolution Charity Foundation is a leading organization in supporting scientific research and development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through this generous program, the foundation seeks to promote progress and innovation in the field of aging, empowering researchers to achieve tangible results that benefit society as a whole.

This announcement reflects the foundation's commitment to supporting research and development in the field of aging, enhancing knowledge and sustainability in this vital field. It is expected that this program will contribute to improving the health and quality of life of citizens and advancing scientific progress in the Kingdom.

In this announcement, the Haevolution Charity Foundation sets a great example of commitment to supporting research and development in the field of aging, which poses significant challenges in our modern society.

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