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50 Years of the Carnation Revolution Portugal: April 25, 1974, Freedom at Last!
50 Years of the Carnation Revolution Portugal: April 25, 1974, Freedom at Last!

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, a significant historical event marking the quest for freedom and democracy in Portugal, the Franco-Portuguese Cultural Association of Beausoleil, in collaboration with the City of Beausoleil and the Consulate General of Portugal, invites you to an exceptional exhibition.

From April 24 to May 10, 2024, the Prince Hereditary Jacques Cultural Center hosts this exhibition, which emotionally and authentically retraces the key moments of this iconic revolution. The exhibition's opening took place on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, starting at 5:30 p.m., providing an opportunity to celebrate together this major event in Portuguese history.

The Carnation Revolution was much more than a mere popular uprising; it embodied the hope and resistance of a people determined to break the chains of oppression. This revolutionary movement profoundly transformed the course of Portugal's history and left a lasting legacy of freedom and democracy.

Through an exhibition rich in poignant testimonies, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this pivotal era. Discover how fundamental values such as freedom, democracy, and solidarity emerged, thus shaping the modern face of Portugal and inspiring future generations.

We invite you to join us in paying tribute to this historic moment and celebrating the indelible legacy of the Carnation Revolution. Visit the Prince Hereditary Jacques Cultural Center for a memorable and enriching experience.

Long live freedom! Long live the Carnation Revolution!

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