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Inauguration of the Extension and Rehabilitation of La Piscine Restaurant in Levens: A Celebratory Event with Local and Regional Figures
Inauguration of the Extension and Rehabilitation of La Piscine Restaurant in Levens A Celebratory Event with Local and Regional Figures

Inauguration of the Extension and Rehabilitation of La Piscine Restaurant in Levens: A Celebratory Event with Local and Regional Figures

On Saturday, May 4th, 2024, at 6 p.m., the town of Levens hosted a significant event: the inauguration of the extension and rehabilitation of the "La Piscine" restaurant. This ceremony, organized by the Mayor of Levens, Antoine VERAN, in collaboration with the Municipal Council, brought together prominent local and regional personalities.

Among the honored guests were Renaud MUSELIER, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Charles Ange GINESY, President of the Alpes-Maritimes Departmental Council, and Christian ESTROSI, Mayor of Nice and President of the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, as well as Delegate President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region. The presence of these political figures reflects the importance of this event for the region.

Furthermore, the participation of Eric CIOTTI, Deputy and Departmental Councilor of the Alpes-Maritimes, as well as Christelle D’INTORNI, Deputy and Departmental Councilor, added an additional dimension to this inauguration, reinforcing the link between the political sphere and local initiatives.

The extension and rehabilitation of the "La Piscine" restaurant represent a significant advancement for the town of Levens, offering residents and visitors a restored and expanded space to relax and enjoy. To celebrate this achievement, a cocktail dinner followed the inauguration, allowing guests to share moments of conviviality and celebrate together this important milestone for the community.

This event not only highlighted the dynamism and commitment of local authorities to the development of the town but also underscored the importance of collaboration between different political entities to promote well-being and progress in the region.

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