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French Field Hospital Provides Critical Aid in Response to Devastating Floods in Northeastern Libya

French Field Hospital Provides Critical Aid in Response to Devastating Floods in Northeastern Libya

Libya | In the aftermath of the devastating floods triggered by the storm Daniel in northeastern Libya, the field hospital operated by the French Civil Security (Sécurité civile) in Derna has been deployed in collaboration with the Crisis and Support Center of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since its opening, the hospital has been treating approximately 100 patients daily, providing critical medical assistance in response to the crisis. The floods have caused significant damage in the region, making the presence of this field hospital crucial for the affected population.

The partnership between the French Civil Security and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlights international cooperation in times of crisis, demonstrating the importance of solidarity and support when faced with natural disasters. The medical team at the field hospital is working tirelessly to provide much-needed care to those affected by the floods, underscoring the significance of rapid response efforts in such situations.

The situation in northeastern Libya remains a challenge, but the presence of this field hospital is a testament to the commitment of the international community to assist and provide relief during times of crisis. The medical personnel at the hospital continue to work diligently to address the healthcare needs of the local population and alleviate the suffering caused by the recent flooding.

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