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JAZZ A JUAN 2024: A Record-Breaking 63rd Edition!
JAZZ A JUAN 2024: A Record-Breaking 63rd Edition!

2023 surpassed our expectations... so what can we say about this 2024 vintage which is even higher and stronger!

Over 27,500 spectators filled the pine forest (+10% compared to 2023), not counting all the free concerts offered as part of our off-festival, JAMMIN SUMMER SESSION, all of which were sold out!

Spread over the period, this results in an average occupancy rate of 87%, with 2 concerts SOLD OUT even before the festival opened, proving if needed, that the public fully embraced the proposed lineup!


And a very impressive media coverage: 75 media outlets including TV, radio, print, and web, with more than 80 interviews organized to ensure a vibrant media presence for JAZZ A JUAN 2024.

Of course, our social media channels and the festival website also saw exponential growth, with a 29.5% increase in visits this year!

Staying true to its traditions with the handprints of 4 new artists during this edition (Manu KATCHE, Youssou N'DOUR, Erik TRUFFAZ, and Selah SUE), JAZZ A JUAN is also committed to being an eco-responsible festival in partnership with UNIVALOM. For several years now, UNIVALOM has been overseeing waste sorting across the site. For the past two years, they have also managed the sorting of bio-waste (240 kg), and new this year: the collection of cigarette butts in authorized areas, with 3,000 cigarette butts collected in this first year alone.

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