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BTEA Hosts Delegation from US Congress

BTEA Hosts Delegation from US Congress

Dr. Nasser Qaedi, the CEO of the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA), recently welcomed a delegation from the US Senate and House of Representatives.

During the meeting, Dr. Qaedi provided the delegation with an overview of the tourism sector's pivotal role in the government's economic recovery plan, which was initiated in October 2021.

He emphasized the significance of the tourism sector as one of the most promising aspects of this plan.

Additionally, Dr. Qaedi shared the specifics of Bahrain's tourism strategy for the years 2022-2026. This strategy is designed to double the tourism sector's contribution to the GDP, diversify tourism offerings, and attract a more diverse range of tourists from various nationalities and countries worldwide.

Dr. Qaedi highlighted the accomplishments of the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority and discussed their various initiatives and programs aimed at enhancing the performance of the tourism sector in the Kingdom.

He also presented the latest information, statistics, and developments related to the tourism sector, including details about tourist destinations, the richness and diversity of tourism offerings, as well as the various events, festivals, and entertainment activities organized by the authority throughout the year.

Furthermore, he discussed the special offers provided to tourists and ongoing efforts to promote the Bahraini tourism sector.

Dr. Qaedi stressed the importance of building connections with different nations and organizations operating within the tourism sector to support the industry's recovery, strengthen collaborative efforts in regional and global tourism, share expertise, and actively participate in tourism events, meetings, and forums.

He underscored the opportunities these meetings offer to inform the American side about prominent tourism endeavors in the Kingdom. Recognizing the US as a crucial tourism market for Bahrain, he emphasized the need to invest in Bahraini-US relations.

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