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LMRA Takes Part in the 13th Working Group on Trafficking in Persons

LMRA Takes Part in the 13th Working Group on Trafficking in Persons

Nibras Mohamed Talib, the CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) and Chairman of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons, actively participated in the 13th session of the Working Group on Trafficking in Persons. This session was held in Vienna and was organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

During his participation, the CEO emphasized Bahrain's comprehensive approach to combatting human trafficking. This approach encompasses a robust legal framework, institutional coordination, and awareness-raising campaigns. It plays a pivotal role in the fight against this transnational crime that is continually evolving in its methods, settings, and mechanisms. Addressing these changes and developments demands vigilant efforts to keep up with these crimes and take action to maintain a work environment characterized by equilibrium, stability, justice, and fairness for all parties involved.

He also highlighted that Bahrain has implemented several significant measures to enhance the work environment and combat trafficking in persons. This includes the establishment of an integrated system based on solid legal foundations, a long-term vision, and a culture deeply rooted in respect and the preservation of the rights of all individuals without exception. Bahrain's dedication to this cause has earned it global recognition, reflected in the Kingdom's consistent Tier 1 status in the US State Department's report on combatting trafficking in persons for six consecutive years (2018-2023).

Nibras emphasized that the Kingdom remains committed to two primary dimensions. First, it continuously reviews and develops regulations and legislation to ensure a stable work environment. Second, it strives to employ its expertise, successes, and capabilities to support international efforts in addressing this crime. Furthermore, Bahrain is dedicated to providing assistance to countries, particularly within the region, given the cultural and social similarities, and their desire to adopt the Bahraini model in combatting trafficking in persons.

The CEO reiterated the Kingdom's belief in the necessity of international solidarity to combat the crime of trafficking in persons, which threatens many countries and societies. Bahrain expresses its support for the crucial role played by the United Nations and its affiliated international organizations in advancing global efforts to combat human trafficking.

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