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Ministers of Foreign Affairs Discuss Regional Developments in Phone Call

Ministers of Foreign Affairs Discuss Regional Developments in Phone Call

In a recent telephone conversation, His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs engaged in a comprehensive discussion regarding the ongoing developments in the region and their potential consequences. Their conversation centered on the vital importance of putting an end to the perpetuating cycle of violence and aggression in the area.

Both ministers were in full agreement on the necessity of seeking a peaceful resolution based on the principles of international law and legitimacy. This approach underscores the commitment to a peaceful and just solution in line with the standards of international law.

Furthermore, the ministers also delved into various other regional developments, particularly focusing on initiatives aimed at achieving mutual understanding and fostering cooperation. Their conversation highlighted the significance of fostering diplomatic efforts to address the pressing issues facing the region.

The discussions between these two high-ranking officials underscored the commitment of their respective countries to the pursuit of peace, stability, and the adherence to international norms and regulations. The phone call serves as a testament to the ongoing diplomatic dialogues and the cooperative efforts aimed at achieving a peaceful and prosperous region.

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